Bhavan's K.M. Munshi Centre for Study and Research in Indology

Dr. K. M. Munshi, gifted with prescience and foresight, had apprehended that India’s cultural history and heritage, its scientific contributions to the world, its languages and literature and ethical values will not get their due place in the society under the shadow of western culture after independence. He established Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan to preserve, promote and disseminate Sanskrit and Sankriti- the wisdom path shown by the visionary sages, the moral law which stands for social and national values, and the ideals like Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam for international harmony resulting in peace and sustainable progress.

The world today is in search of alternate socio-economic and cultural life patterns as well as value systems. Indology can make an effective contribution in this on-going search. It is also necessary that this study and dissemination should be in a manner that interests and engages younger generations of scholars and laymen in India and abroad. With this background a Centre for Indology is established at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Delhi Kendra.

Indology had begun in Europe in the 18th Century.   Since then studies and research have been going on at various Centres of Indology in India and abroad. It covers a vast intellectual sphere with texts, commentaries and manuals on various subjects such as: architecture, economics, politics, inter-state relations, military warfare, administration of Justice, science and technology, medicine and surgery, animal husbandry, agriculture, music, dance, drama, aesthetics and literature, philosophy and spirituality not only in Sanskrit but also in Pali, Prakrit, Ardhamagathi and other  Indian languages.

 Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan endeavours to contribute to study, preserve, promote and disseminate the classical knowledge systems to make the much needed impact on sustainable civilizational and cultural advancement in the world through its Centre of Indology.

Objectives of the centre are:

  • Systematic research into Indology in all its branches
  • Critical editions of important texts of classical Indian literatures
  • Training of students in the art of editing manuscripts on scientific lines
  • Systematic study of Bharatiya Vidya – the traditional Indian knowledge systems, the history, the culture and the literature of India and publication of the results of such studies.
  • Education of all subjects dealing with Bharatiya Vidya and the following subjects in particular:
  • Sanskrit
  • Darshan
  • Jyotisha
  • Ayurveda
  • Puranas
  • Arthashastra
  • Comparative Philosophy
  • Life Sciences and others           
  • Religion and Philosophy, including comparative studies of the Brahmanical, Buddhist and Jaina religious schools and their different branches.
  • Classical and modern languages of India
  • Publication of the research works on Indology
  • Enrichment of Hindi and other modern Bharatiya literatures by publishing independent and original works and also translations of important texts of ancient literature of Bharata 
  • Cultivation of understanding the diverse societies and cultures of the world
  • To prepare and publish an authoritative history and histories of Bharata and Bharatiya Vidya
  • To establish a well-equipped library on Indology and reading rooms, and to have therein a collection of manuscripts, historical records, coins, paintings and other antiquities of interest to Bharata. 
  • Publication of who’s who of Indologists in the world


The Centre aims at running courses on the following:

  • The languages- Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit, Ardhamagadhi, Apabhramsa etc. 
  • Sanskrit and Traditional Indian Sciences
  • Contribution of Sanskrit to cultural and civilizational development of other countries
  • Epigraphy, palaeography and manuscriptology
  • Architecture and Archaeology
  • Arts – performing and visual – music, dance, drama, painting and sculpture.
  • Ancient Indian history and culture
  • Religion and philosophy
  • Social sciences
  • Ayurveda, Tantra and Jyotisa etc.

The scholars will undertake independent and collaborative researches in these Departments under the guidance of experts engaged by the Bhavan. The result of the research carried out under the auspices of the Bhavan may be published by it in the form of books/ monographs, occasional papers, etc. 

The Centre will also arrange courses, lectures and seminars at national and international levels on lndological topics from time to time to enable students to develop a holistic view of Indian heritage along-with concentrating on specific areas of their interest. 

                 New Courses :

  1. Certificate courses on भारतीय विद्या सार
  1. भारतीय विद्या सार  – 1 (Essence of Indian Knowledge Tradition) Part- 1
  2. भारतीय विद्या सार – 2  (Essence of Indian Knowledge Tradition) Part- 2
  1. PG Diploma in Indian Knowledge Tradition: Scientific and Holistic”.
  2. Two weeks Teachers Training Program.

          भारतीय विद्या सार  – 1

I.Basic Structure of Indian Knowledge System

II.Modern Science and Indian Knowledge System

III.Yoga and holistic Health Care

          Eligibility for admission              :               Class 10th & above

         भारतीय विद्या सार  – 2

I.Philosophical Tradition

II.Indian linguistic Tradition

III.Indian Artistic Tradition

            Eligibility for admission                :               Class 10th & above


           PG Diploma in Indian Knowledge Tradition: Scientific and Holistic”.

          Semester – 1 (200)                                                                                                                                                                 (Hours)

  1. Science in Sanskrit Literature                                                                                                                                                    40
  2. Indian Traditional Science & Technology                                                                                                                       40
  3. Indian Mathematical Tradition                                                                                                                                                   40
  4. Science of Living yoga & Holistic, Health Care                                                                                                        40
  5. (i)  Concept of Measurement, Standards, Quality Assurance – Ancient and modern      30           

          (ii)  Basic of relevant knowledge technology                                                                                                                 10

            Semester- 2 (200)                                                                                                                                                                 (Hours)

  1. Indian Arts, Culture and Ethics                                                                                                                                                      40
  1. Indian Intellectual; Tradition (Philosophy, Literature, Phondogy)                                                             40
  1. Science of Language : Panini & Knowledge Representation                                                                        40
  1. Design Science Research Mathology                                                                                                                                   40
  1. Dissertation & Viva –Voca

           Learning Outcome:

  1. Comprehension of linguistic, artistes, scientific and technological tradition of India.
  2. Ability to captive, analyze and integrated knowledge across domains.
  3. Ability to teach students upto level-7.

           Eligibility for admission              :               Graduation from recognized institute / university 

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